30minutes night flight
“30minutes night flight” is out of mastering and at last complete.
This concept that has stared back at me over more than six months of shaping has taken form, and come next month it will be packaged and become someone else’s possession.
On the day we finished mastering, I didn’t get home until just before dawn.
As with every other album, this one brought many times of wrestling with myself, as well as many stirring moments. I spent the days with my antennas raised high and my ears strained to hear, so as not to let slip by any of the small miracles of every passing instant.
There is something beyond the grasp of calculation and design that is absolutely necessary for music: human passion. I learned this fact again while working on this album. This is why the act of creation is so challenging and calls for so much courage. The passion put in comes back in equal measure, which explains why I feel so fulfilled now.
Right now, this album belongs to no one but me. I’m quietly praying that it goes from here to many people who will cherish it for years to come as they play it over and over.
I’ve realized now that for me, creating this album was a journey. I’ve finally made it this far with the aid of those who support my every step. It’s not just my passion, but the passion of every person involved that made this such a spectacular album. I often take it for granted, but it’s really amazing.
As I thought back on my brief travels that seemed to stretch forever, I glimpsed the light of a new day approaching, and so found the very story I penned for this album.