Hawaii etc.

How was your Valentine’s Day? I gave out Tyrol Chocolate to everyone. Did you catch the commercial jingle I sang? It’s not airing anymore, but it’s of the sort that reminds you of old times in a bashful way; the kind of wonderful clip you feel like watching over and over.
And now for something completely different—I took a trip to Hawaii.
I had the whole trip to spend as I pleased, as exorbitant as that may seem. I can hardly remember the last time I was able to take a whole week and not have to think one whit about work.
But on the return flight, as I listened to my own songs (nearly all of them) on my iPod, I sensed the voltage on my concert-meter slowly rising, and I said to myself, “Let’s do this!” I owe everything to the power of Hawaii’s translucent sea, rainbows, warm yet dry breeze, sunsets, and sunrises!
On returning from this perfect vacation, my switches were at last totally engaged. The tickets that were released have amazingly sold out already. Soon the last day’s tickets will go on sale. I’d love for you to see the concert.
And when you come see it, before I appear before your eyes, before you set foot in the building, and maybe even from the moment you awake in the morning, make sure your engine is warmed and ready to go. Be ready to keep up with me all the way when we rocket off the line. This will be my first concert in more than two years. I’ve been waiting for this day more than anyone else! I have things that have forever been in my heart, things that have never had a chance to come out, and now is the time to set them free. So I’m expecting you to come duly charged up as well. All those things in your heart that have never had a chance to come out—I’m taking this chance to set them free, too.
See you at the concert.